2012年6月27日 星期三

Sign Google App

<quoted from other web>
You need to create Release Key for Signing your Application.
Step : 1 Right Click Project->Export Application->Select you Project->Next->Select new Keystore -> Complete all rest Steps
Step : 2 Note down your Alias name and Password given.
Step : 3 Now if you Complete all process of Filling Details you will get one .apk file and keystore file in you stored location.
Step : 4 Now Again Right Click Project->Export Application->Select you Project->Next->Use Existing Keystore -> Give location and password->Next
Step : 5 Now you alias name will comes in your Drop Down->Select it -> Enter Password -> Next
Step : 6 It will ask for location to store your final .apk file.
Step : 7 Select your location and store.
Step : 8 Now this Final .apk file is Your Signed Application.
Note : Keep this keystore file for further updated of your Application in Android Market ,also keep track of your Alias name and Password

GCM (Google Cloud Messaging)


Change from C2DM to GCM on 28 Jne 2012

According to the document, migration is simply change the email into API key.

Migration is simple! The only change required in the application is replacing the email account passed in the sender parameter of the registration intent with the project ID generated when signing up for the new service. For example:
Intent registrationIntent = new Intent("com.google.android.c2dm.intent.REGISTER");
// sets the app name in the intent
registrationIntent.putExtra("app", PendingIntent.getBroadcast(this, 0, new Intent(), 0));
registrationIntent.putExtra("sender", senderID);

2012年6月1日 星期五

LumiaChallenge 2012

 剛提交了三個作品到 Nokia 參加 LumiaChallenge 2012 的比賽,順便做個記錄。

CDict - When we type English passage, we always forget a word or how to spell a word.  This movie shows how to type the word using the language you know (in this example Chinese) directly into the editor and do the translation in cloud (Microsoft translation in this example) instantly.  The program can  intelligently check the Chinese inside.  Thus, it saves lots of time to check from web or dictionary and come back to type the passage.  In this movie, one sentence is for demo purpose.  In future, a whole passage can be done in any-input-language to any-output-language.
video demo - http://youtu.be/4ekTQBW696M  

人生計算機 - 我們每天都不自覺地問到人生的問題。本程式嘗試給出一個參考。透過古人的生活體驗,歸納出來的人生法則,我們把它量化做成這程式。程式包括二部份。1.每天的開心指數 2.人生的反思首部份只要把相關出生年月日輸入,程式就會把結果化為圖像。第二部份,用家輸入英文,程式會給出所佔人生部份的比例。 *以上並非隨機結果,亦只作為參考用途。

With QueuEasy, we do not need to spend time on service waiting anymore. We can shop around until the shop pushes you back. This app requires to work with www.queueasy.com