今天突然好想寫寫這幾間科技公司 因我跟他們的 IT 及 PR 接觸過, 他們是科技界的龍頭。
Google事緣 2007 年 因比賽勝出而跟那些技術人員溝通。Google (不知內地或台灣) 的 技術非常好,回覆我的問題好快亦好專業。香港 marketing (也是操國語的) 說話超快,也好好效率。我曾試過晚上 11:00 send mail, 不到 5 分鐘便回我。 所以 Google 請的人確是一流。只是最後有些感覺怪怪因那時超過 Budget 幾百元 都沒得 claim haha...
Nokia - 亦是比賽所以接觸他們香港的 marketing. 可惜他們沒有給我好印象。他們叫我弄些本土味重的 apps然後交給他們測試,我照辦。第一次 ok 有回 (隔好耐)。之後 N8 出又弄,可惜這次一點回覆也沒。簡直浪費時間。比賽是有獎金的,若我沒問 相信可能會沒人提。還有就是 NOKIA China。那次搞比賽 我也有參加。但結果公布日完全沒消息。我走去 Nokia China Forum 問,回覆已過 連誰勝出也沒人知。唉 好難想像咁大間公司,d marketing 可以是這樣的。所以現在沒有搞 Nokia 的東西。當然v非常睇好 Windows Phone的前景。 Nokia 好彩能跟 MS 合作。
Microsoft - 最近因為參加 MS 的 first apps 比賽,所以直接 send email 問 MS HK 香港人能否參加
I am living in Hong Kong. I just want to make clear that whether Hong Kong Citizen can enter MS First Apps Contest or not?
Dear customer,
Thank you for contacting Microsoft Hong Kong Customer Service, my name is xxxx, and I am glad to be of assistance.
From your email we understand that you might receive some problem on MS App issue. For server product issue /development product issue /�燫ow-to�� issue /issues of product under Volume License /free downloadable software issue, we provide a free Self-Help Online Support via
Knowledge Base articles at http://support.microsoft.com, or community-based forums at http://answers.microsoft.com and http://social.microsoft.com/forums/zh-hk/categories, where you can search, browse, and post questions and answers.
Additionally, you may also want to visit our technical resources for IT Professionals at http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/default.aspx, or development resources for programmer at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/default.aspx.
Moreover, you can purchase Microsoft Professional /Personal Support. Please refer to the following website for Terms and Conditions:
I hope the above information I provided is able to address your enquiry. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us on our hotline (852) 2388-9600, or Macau Toll Free Number (853) 0800-760, after selecting language, press option 3. It will be our pleasure to assist you further with your inquiry.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve you. Our goal is for you to be �焻atisfied�� with our service.
Thank you again for contacting Microsoft."
各位 我想知這算是 " 九唔答八嗎"?
好 可能我問得差,再問
I think you have misunderstood my question. MS announces a global contest
(see the link)
However, it doesn't mention HK citizen can join this contest or not. Thus, I
want to ask and if HK citizen is not allowed to join, then I don't need to
develop the apps for this contest.
Hope it is clear enough"
Dear customer,
Thank you for contacting Microsoft Hong Kong Customer Service, my name is xxxx, and I am glad to be of assistance.
From your call I know that you want to know about Microsoft windows 8 first apps issue. I am pleased to provide you the following information for reference:
MSDN hotline: +852 3002 7866
I hope the above information I provided is able to address your enquiry. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us on our hotline 2388 9600, after selecting language, then press option 3 and 1, it will be our pleasure to assist you further with your inquiry.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve you. Our goal is for you to be �焻atisfied�� with our service.
Thank you again for contacting Microsoft."
見到嗎? 究竟香港人能否參加? 到現在是個 -- 謎。
Apple - 因為最近有個 apps 被 reject 所以感受好深。Apple 連續 3 次 reject,我也 3 次回覆 講理由。到最後他們放出 17.2 條 reject 的理由,真的到終審了,結果也是 REJECTED. 於是我又寫一大編理由說明我沒有違反條例。哈 他們真的有睇亦最後 approved! 這次我好感受到 他們不是亂來的。 只要你能交出合理的解釋, 他們確是會重新看及審閱。好有人情味!!
日後如能再接觸科技司,心中也有數他們的 style是怎樣。