2012年6月27日 星期三

Sign Google App

<quoted from other web>
You need to create Release Key for Signing your Application.
Step : 1 Right Click Project->Export Application->Select you Project->Next->Select new Keystore -> Complete all rest Steps
Step : 2 Note down your Alias name and Password given.
Step : 3 Now if you Complete all process of Filling Details you will get one .apk file and keystore file in you stored location.
Step : 4 Now Again Right Click Project->Export Application->Select you Project->Next->Use Existing Keystore -> Give location and password->Next
Step : 5 Now you alias name will comes in your Drop Down->Select it -> Enter Password -> Next
Step : 6 It will ask for location to store your final .apk file.
Step : 7 Select your location and store.
Step : 8 Now this Final .apk file is Your Signed Application.
Note : Keep this keystore file for further updated of your Application in Android Market ,also keep track of your Alias name and Password

GCM (Google Cloud Messaging)


Change from C2DM to GCM on 28 Jne 2012

According to the document, migration is simply change the email into API key.

Migration is simple! The only change required in the application is replacing the email account passed in the sender parameter of the registration intent with the project ID generated when signing up for the new service. For example:
Intent registrationIntent = new Intent("com.google.android.c2dm.intent.REGISTER");
// sets the app name in the intent
registrationIntent.putExtra("app", PendingIntent.getBroadcast(this, 0, new Intent(), 0));
registrationIntent.putExtra("sender", senderID);